Climate Change vs. Science Mumbo-Jumbo? an Online Poll

Alright everyone, it’s up to you now. Climate Change vs. Science Mumbo-Jumbo? Take this poll, you decide! Thank you for your participation!

Also, Please leave your name and profession in a comment at the bottom of this page (as well as what you voted, unless you would like your vote to remain anonymous) for a chance at contributing your comments about climate change through an interview blog post with From The Lab Bench!

800px-BlueMarble_monthlies_animation.gif Monthly global images from NASA Earth Observatory – Wiki
Druckman, J., & Bolsen, T. (2011). Framing, Motivated Reasoning, and Opinions About Emergent Technologies Journal of Communication, 61 (4), 659-688 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01562.x