A Survey of Social Media Practices at ARCS 2015

During Advancing Research Communication and Scholarship ARCS 2015, I asked conference attendees to participate in a small survey about their social media and open data practices. This survey was prompted by the round-table I moderated on socializing scholarly communication - I wanted to know how many conference attendees already used blogs and Twitter for scholarly communication. 

31 conference attendees completed the survey, and their responses are represented in the summary graphics below.

Survey participants' research or occupational areas included: Humanities research, behavioral genetics, law, library science/librarian, academic publishing, biomedical research, environmental policy, psychology, neuroscience, fisheries science, information science and  scholarly communication.

Data collected through Qualtrics. Created in Canva.

Data collected through Qualtrics. Created in Canva.

Data collected through Qualtrics. Created in Canva.

Data collected through Qualtrics. Created in Canva.